Las Historias - Las Historias

Look... If this band's artwork of a woman’s psychedelic asshole doesn’t make you want to listen to this record, then I’m not sure I’m going to be able to convince you, but I’m sure going to try!

LAS HISTORIAS are here with their brand new self titled release to bend our minds with their trippy, heavy, doom laden tracks. The Argentinian trio have teamed up with stoner rock/doom label Electric Valley Records for the release of this 5 track EP which comes out digitally and on LP on July 24th. 

Taking inspiration from guitar heroes such as Jimi Hendrix, mixing it with the bluesy psychedelia of the 60’s and adding riffs influenced by the classic doomers such as Sabbath and Electric Wizard, this band has created their own celestial playground in which we are all welcome to join.

I can imagine this is an album that very likely emerged from a gloomy jam, the start of some mid-paced thunder that became more elaborate as it matured naturally. “Lord of Poisons” an instrumental opener that seems to keep you steady, but take you everywhere all at once, an unusual and slightly unsettling feeling but one that you’ll keep revisiting. The band commit to progressive texturing, all the while keeping the clarity, which so often can be lost with that heavy doom sound where it just becomes muddy. “Frankenstein”, the second track, is expansive and rife with tension, which bleeds seamlessly into “Hada Madrina”, giving us the same variation of light floaty moments all the way down into the big weighty junctures.

By the time I get to track number 4 I realise I’m basically listening to South American version of the band “Witch”, with a vocal tone and style of singing extremely similar to that of Kyle Thomas -  NOT a bad thing, as it's been a while since I heard a band do it as well as those veterans. LAS HISTORIAS give us more ‘day and night’ moments on “Ya Vendran”, giving the listener time to breathe in and enjoy the reverb soaked guitars and the jazzy drum style, before they take us back to the heaviness drenched in fuzz with bass so deep you can feel it rumble in your loins. 

The closer is “Mayhem and Sex”, which is a damn strong one to round it off, definitely my favourite of the 5, the perfect beefed up track. It walks you into sub-psych noodling and a laid back groove before kicking you out the other side of it. 

The atmosphere that LAS HISTORIAS has going for it is huge and its realisation for this EP feels impactful. The production, which seems to be aiming for a retro vibe, was a great fit for what the band was trying to achieve. It stopped the record from feeling dated, which sounds contradictory, but with a modern style of production and the band's vintage feel, it wouldn’t have been the right fit. These guys are young, but you can’t hear this in the musicianship, with the guitars and drums working with each other and the vocals sounding comfortable, never strained. The songwriting offers some brilliant tracks and memorable guitar hooks. The lashings of psych and doom metal also helps to secure the band’s style and I’m sure curious to see how they will expand on any future endeavours they may have in store. 


Tomas Iramain: Guitar, vox

Juan Tamargo: Drums

Manuel Re: Bass



Recording: Lvto Recordings Studio by Pablo Aguirre

Mixing and Mastering: Gonzalo Villagra

Artwork: WOM

PRE-ORDER: (Red Vinyl) (Transparent Vinyl) (Black Vinyl) (Bandcamp — Digital & All Vinyl Formats)


Review in collaboration with Qabar PR



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