Puresonic Outcasts - Demonised Masses

Northern Irish punk-meets-stoner metal quartet Puresonic Outcasts (or PSO) released an absolute banger of an EP at the start of the year (which you can check out here ), but they're not done yet for 2020. 'Demonised Masses' is also due at the end of the week, and they'll have 'Chasing Shadows' out soon as well. We'll be looking at 'Demonised Masses' today - but first, who are PSO? Only formed in 2019, they signed to Fuzzy Cracklins to release 'Reflections Upon This Present Condition', full of Sabbathy, fuzzy riffing and a snarling punk attitude to create a familiar, but enjoyable and memorable sound that lingers in your ears long after the EP comes to an end. PSO progressed into the second stage of their Metal 2 The Masses heat in Belfast - their journey in that competition cut short, of course, by that notorious virus going round - but they've kept busy with their fun, active social media presence, shooting music videos and having DJs pl...