This Is Turin - Misery

Note: This is an extract from a review of This Is Turin's upcoming EP "T.U.R.I.N.".

 "Talk about saving the best til last. Bloody Hell. I mean, hold tight. You might need to sit down for this one. I can’t speak when I listen to it. It’s mesmerising, brutal, and absolutely disgusting. Literally everything I want to hear in a Deathcore single. Guesting CJ McMahon from Thy Art Is Murder, This Is Turin have pulled out all the stops this time around, and it's certainly payed off. Opening with a bouncy riff and low growls from CJ, we're immediately thrusted into a successive wave of dirty breakdown-style beats that characterise the verse, before taking off at the bridge with unrelenting blast beats. There's a bit of variation throughout the verse and bridge with the drums too, subtly making the listener aware that, whilst the riff remains consistent, there's still a sense of progression. Dare I say I'm reminded a little of Acacia Strain - the pure filth of it does it for me. They’ve thrown in a few little melodic leads over the same riff later on too, leading up to the tempo changing breakdown a little after 3 minutes in, tailing this off with increasingly quickened drumming that will blow your socks off hard enough that your feet might explode. They say that a good drummer stands out, and I’ve gotta take my hat off here, because Ben's got some serious chops. I gotta admit, I also appreciate the use of a low cut filter slowly suffocating the insane drumming through the outro instead of just a plain fade out - I have a bit of a thing about how uninventive fade outs are, but I love it when it's done well, and this is a prime example of how to write an effective ending. It’s leaving me wanting more, hungry and thirsty like one of Ramsey Bolton’s hounds. When’s the album coming out lads? I’d like to reserve a pre-order."

Solid 9.5/10

Bloody brutal.



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