Corrupt Moral Altar - Patiently Waiting For Wonderful Things
If you like your metal extreme, you need to listen to Patiently Waiting For Wonderful Things. With perhaps the most visceral release from the UK this year (yes, even up against Napalm Death), CMA have crafted an energetic blast of refined anger that shines with tongue-in-cheek humour and fantastic musicianship. Cathedral of Porn kicks down the door with a crossover thrash swagger before absolutely destroying the rest of the analogous room with blast beats so quick they'll break your neck. You Smell Expensive slows down the tempo ever so briefly, but only so the track can stamp on your head effectively. Swirling bass notes and searing vocals proceed utter chaos of the highest degree. The two opening tracks set the stage incredibly well for the EP: this is going to be a white knuckle ride through grindcore, but leaning heavily into the hardcore punk elements that give a fantastically fresh feel to the release. Maximum Bastardry ups the ante with sing along hooks and punchy, pe...