This Is Turin - T.U.R.I.N.
I remember seeing This Is Turin at Bloodstock back in 2016, although I've been aware of them dominating the Manchester scene since the early 2010's in their early days. They must have made an impact on me as a youngster, because I'm very excited that they're still going strong, stronger than ever in fact. I was impressed back then at their technical facility, and T.U.R.I.N. is a mean feat of an EP, retaining their flair for technicality whilst showing us a new, more polished sound. Strap in, prepare yourself (as if you're in that scene in Casino Royale, the one where Daniel Craig's getting his balls smashed), and let the intensity take you... I’m feeling a little reminiscent of All Shall Perish’s “The Price of Existence” when I hear the first track on the EP: “Excommunicate”. It’s got a strong opening, showcasing technical prowess whilst presenting that familiar sound of blast beats framing a riff that wouldn’t be out of place in an early Black Dahlia Murder t...