Boss Keloid - Gentle Clovis


Ahead of dropping Family the Smiling Thrush on the 4th of June 2021, Boss Keloid have released 'Gentle Clovis', a majestic tune that serves as a proud statement for the unique blend of just so many influences that make up the band's sound, revealing a true labour of love from those Boss boys. 

Opening with an angular guitar riff and punchy, roomy drum sound, a groove is laid down that entwines and dances like a snake around the 4/4 beat. Moving into what I'll call an A section (verse/chorus doesn't really work for describing this song structure), BK display one of their finer pieces of instrumental layering, with guitarist Paul Swarbrick's signature octave-doubled guitar sound and inimitable playing style dancing around Alex Hurst's vocal melody and sustained guitar chords. Section B drops into a clean, sparkly section that evokes images of Ian Anderson and Robert Fripp chasing a certain white rabbit. Section C absolutely soars into life; "I'll build my home on the greenest mountain" seems to perfectly sum up Boss Keloid's new prog-laden, optimistic and soul-lifting rock music. Hurst's impressive vocals take pride of place here, bellowing and roaring with grandeur and control. Trippy section B leads into a repeat of section A, once more repeating "Your individuality, there is no similarity, it is your perfect remedy", an apt lyric from one of the more interesting bands in the UK right now.

A hyped up version of the intro riff leads us into the second half of the song, floating through light and dark shades of gentle summer breezes of guitar playing. The breathing room afforded to the drums is not wasted by drummer Stephen Arands, who gracefully decorates the tune. It's in these sections that the production of the record is also flaunted, with a charismatic clarity and depth proving that the band and producer worked purposefully towards a vision. Turning on a penny, Boss Keloid nod towards their roots with heavy chugging along with alien rhythms and diminished harmonies that Les Claypool would be proud of. The track is finished with a glorious riff and Hurst's vocals used as instrumental, reverb washed textures.

Gentle Clovis proves that Boss Keloid have continued to build on the strengths of 2018's Melted on the Inch, but show no signs of resting on their laurels. Bring on the 4th of June!



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