Puresonic Outcasts - Endless Contemplation

Puresonic Outcasts have finally dropped their long-awaited second EP. The heavy/stoner metallers turn up their amps, downtune their axes and introduce a much heavier era for the band with Endless Contemplation , a six-song selection of some of the finest riffs in Northern Ireland. Indeed, this is a release that worships the power of The Riff™. In a similar vein to 2020's Reflections Upon This Present Condition , they've got stoned-out jams and fuzz-heavy guitar passages that tread the path first laid out by Black Sabbath over fifty years ago. Two of the six are solely instrumental tracks, with their riff worship and creation of atmosphere leading these songs. For example, 'Mudlarker' has an Orion-style, psychedelic bass intro, with a buildup in intensity and atmosphere that reminds me a little of 'Chasing Shadows' from eighteen months ago ( more about that here ), culminating into a Candlemass-like doom metal finish. I've said it before - PSO are absolute m...