This Is Turin - Misery

Note: This is an extract from a review of This Is Turin's upcoming EP "T.U.R.I.N.". "Talk about saving the best til last. Bloody Hell. I mean, hold tight. You might need to sit down for this one. I can’t speak when I listen to it. It’s mesmerising, brutal, and absolutely disgusting. Literally everything I want to hear in a Deathcore single. Guesting CJ McMahon from Thy Art Is Murder, This Is Turin have pulled out all the stops this time around, and it's certainly payed off. Opening with a bouncy riff and low growls from CJ, we're immediately thrusted into a successive wave of dirty breakdown-style beats that characterise the verse, before taking off at the bridge with unrelenting blast beats. There's a bit of variation throughout the verse and bridge with the drums too, subtly making the listener aware that, whilst the riff remains consistent, there's still a sense of progression. Dare I say I'm reminded a little of Acacia Strain - the pure filth...