Tunguska - Decline

London-based mob Tunguska return with their sophomore EP, Decline . It sees them sounding more impressive and more crushing than ever. Opening with cold, industrial noise to set the scene before a punishing, jaunty, dissonant guitar riff bursts through your speakers, Tunguska offer a healthy dose of brutality in 'A Cold Symmetry', showing with little haste the heaviness they are capable of. Morphing into a more sinister mood with a well-placed key change, their use of clean vocals is as effective as the roaring death growls. Tunguska strike a satisfying balance between the likes of Korn on one end and Meshuggah on the other. 'Hive Mind Puritan' follows in a similar vein, featuring Mike Pilat of Herod on guest vocals. The guitar riffing shows off a cool approach to the modern, post-Meshuggah school of death metal, and accompanies Sean Gibson's vocals that, again, alternate nicely between stomach-churning screams and carefully-placed melodies. An infectious amount o...